Monday, November 16, 2009

Blog #4

Still, Bride and Prejudice (Gurinder Chadha, 2004)

From your reading of the first half of the Sturken and Cartwright chapter, "The Global Flow of Visual Culture," provide a brief definition of globalization. What conditions, in terms of the sovereign nation-state, communication and transportation technologies, the movement of peoples and media "flow", does globalization entail? According to Sturken and Cartwright, how is the Bollywood industry since the 1990s illustrative of how our understanding of a "national" cinema is transformed in our current era of globalization?


  1. Globalization can be defined as a set of conditions that have been escalating since the post war period. The conditions include increased rates of migration, the rise of multinational corporations, and the development of global communication and transportation systems.
    Transnational and diasporic cultures are linked across broad geographic areas through programming that includes webcast services, Internet radio, websites and blogs. The use of satellites and cable television have enabled diasporic communities to have access to television in remote areas.
    Bollywood was usually regarded as low budget compared to the high budget of Hollywood, but since globalization has taken over new technology and new talent has intensified the level of production.

  2. ”Globalization describes an ongoing process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a globe-spanning network of communication and execution”. There are many reasons to why globalization has boomed so much in the past 10 years which include technology, ease of transportation from anywhere around the globe, rise of multination corporations and an increase in demand for products that are only produced by certain regions of the world. Through globalization the world has become a smaller place and people can easily keep contact.
    Using all today’s advanced technological inventions such as the World Wide Web, social networking sites such as facebook, Myspace and twitter people have become closer than ever. Cellphone’s can no longer be regarded as just phones as the common capabilities of a cellphone these days are that of a computer. People can keep in touch no matter where they are in the world.
    With the rise of globalization, industries such as Bollywood, that were once not so popular, managed to penetrate the international market in such a strong way. In the earlier days Bollywood was producing around 200 films per year, but after India gained its independence, the industry began to boom, as did the transportation business. Now Bollywood is influencing movies in the west such as Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire, which is a very popular movie in our time.

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  4. Globalization is viewing the world as one true community; which is the result of how images, concepts, ideas, and politics can move around the globe with ease and an instantaneous speed of transmission. Globalization is largely understood as a set of conditions that have been escalating since the postwar period.
    These conditions include increased rate of people moving around the world, as travelers, tourists, guest workers, refugees, and global citizens. The rise of multinational corporations and the globalization of capital and financial networks, the development of global communications and transportation systems, a consequent sense of the decline of the sovereign nation-state in respond to the shrinking of the world thorough commerce and communication, development of global communication and transportation systems.
    Bollywood before 1990s was trying to catch up with Hollywood as its production was low values compared to Hollywood. But with the new technologies and talent from other industries that came with the globalization Bollywood lever was good enough that it was not trying to catch up with Hollywood any more. The globalization of the film industry has led to further cross-appropriation among national industries with genres, styles and talent going from Bollywood to the west. Bollywood films are shown globally, even as the industry maintains an identity we think of as “national”.

  5. Globalization is the melding of the world through communication across borders. This is done through the technology that has been advancing since the post war period, such as media images transferred through the web. The web and other media such as cell phones, satellites, and television allows for people who are across the globe to reach each other without any lapse in time at all. This allows for those who are in remote communities to reach those who are not, resulting in a world that is closer together as a result of information being passed along.

    Bollywood has always been an industry that has shown their films all over the world, but without much attention from the rest of the world, besides india. With new trading liberations, the movies have gained some more attention and speed with the rest of the world. The western money that is going into it helps the rest of the world see it as a globalized industry and not so much a "national" business. Hollywood and Bollywood are coming together more and this creates an understanding that the world is becoming more globalized.

  6. Globalization is, in the most basic levels, the idea of a more collective identity as opposed to the more regional/national ideas of identity before the advent of long distance communication systems capable of reaching large groups of people. It contains numerous interconnected subgroups within it, including but not limited to internationally available television and film, business and corporate operations, and globally accessible information in news, internet, and blogs. Overall 'worldly' ideas can be adjusted with a more 'regional' tone, like with 'Big Brother' and 'Big Brother Africa', to comment on a shared global interest while keeping relevant to the view. Also, widely available communication allows for a greater number of perspectives to be heard, broadening the horizons of an individuals concerns beyond their own regional level.

    Overall, these subgroups satisfy the requirements to involve 'globalization' if they spark an expansion of one's world view, a 'twist' of their own national identity, and/or involve a 'meshing' of popular culture. According to Sturken and Cartwright, our understanding of 'national' cinema has transformed in the current globalization climate, illustrated by the Bollywood industry since the 1990's and it's production of films with a "range of cultural and national influences". This can be seen with the example of 'Krrish' (2006), with choreography by Hong-Kong's Tony Ching.

  7. Blog #4 (11/19)

    In its rawest definition, globalization, involves the ongoing attempt of world unification from a social, cultural, and economic perspective (a “global community”). According to Sturken and Cartwright, globalization, generally describes a detailed movement “of people, products, ideas, and culture across national boundaries.” Escalating since the postwar period, globalization is based on a set of conditions, which include increased migration and travel, global communication, such as satellites, TV, and the internet, global transportation systems, the rise of multinational corporations and the globalization of capitol and financial networks, and the formation of new types of “local communities” not geographically bound, such as internet-based communities. The focus of our studies on globalization revolves around “communication technologies,” allowing an “increased circulation of concepts, ideas, politics, and images” with the simple click of a mouse, or radio/television signal. Respecting our extreme advancements in communication, the origins of our worldwide community are rooted in the telegraph and telephone. Since these advancement, mass communication has seen it’s potential for productive world organization, as well as destruction.

    In many ways, “Bollywood” productions were largely viewed as low-budget films compared to Hollywood Blockbusters. Putting aside huge budgets and lavish sets, Bollywood maintained their “low-value” reputation until the beginning of the 1990s when Bollywood found hope in support and funding. These changes can be attributed to the introduction of new technologies and talent from other industries, everything being a product of globalization. With these advancements, Bollywood has transformed their reputation, and under developed image, into a respectable, international market. It’s interesting that we’re talking about this because it was a topic discussed in a film I recently saw, “Good Copy, Bad Copy,” where the documentary dived into the untapped genre of films produced by “Bollywood.” A movie producer on the subject of Bollywood films, described Bollywood not in competition with Hollywood, but rather filling in the holes of the film industry neglected by Hollywood. They produce a considerable amount more films than Hollywood, and at the same time everyone’s still getting paid! Not only are many creative concepts finding their way into mainstream Hollywood, Bollywood is changing the business aspects of the film industry as well.

  8. Technology plays a huge role in globalization. Now media can be transmitted through the use of the internet. We can send and receive files instantly, even if they are being sent from another country. This unites the world in a sense, because now we can be connected with someone from a totally different country without even being in the same room as them.
    Bollywood is an industry that is becoming more and more popular. It used to be that Hollywood was the dominant film industry, but India is slowly becoming more popular. This is due to globalization and they way they market their films.

  9. From your reading of the first half of the Sturken and Cartwright chapter, "The Global Flow of Visual Culture," provide a brief definition of globalization. What conditions, in terms of the sovereign nation-state, communication and transportation technologies, the movement of peoples and media "flow", does globalization entail?
    By definition, Globalization is the melding of the world through communication across borders. Globalization is done through technology such as media images transferred through the web. The web and other media such as cell phones, satellites, and television allows people reach each other across the globe within seconds or a few minutes.

    According to Sturken and Cartwright, how is the Bollywood industry since the 1990s illustrative of how our understanding of a "national" cinema is transformed in our current era of globalization?
    In the past Bollywood has been known to show their pictures all over the world, but have not been popular. Today, Bollywood is the largest film producer in India and one of the largest centers of film production in the world. This happened due to globalization and Bollywoods swift marketing tactic.
